I also have some pictures of my castle for our Renaissance Festival project. I'm sorry that some of the pictures are so dark, mom had troubles with the lighting.
I finally got all of my concert pictures. I have some from the choir concert and some from my band concert. Sorry that not all of my pictures will upload, I will make another post. My band concert was last night, we played Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter Highlights, and Yo Ho a Pirates Life For Me. We had so much fun. We were all dressed up as pirates and sitting in the audience. They came to "recruit" us to be a crew for the Black Pearl which was what we decorated the stage to look like. Mrs. Eisley told a mixed up story that I could never remember haha. She put together Pirates and Harry Potter to make a pretty funny story.
Sooo, I decided I could post some pictures of Blake, Holden, and Brianna at prom. Brianna went with a guy from Concho, I forgot his real name but everybody calls him Dex. Blake went with Kelly Badger. Holden went with Jessica Ramsey.
Yesterday I went to the Solo and Ensemble in Snowflake for band. I played Largo from Symphony No. 9 by Antonin Dvorak. I haven't gotten my results yet but when I do I will post about it. My accompanist was my friend Lauren's dad, Jim Pierson. I think we played really well, although I did mess up a couple times because I couldn't breathe. But that is mainly because I have a really bad cold and sore throat and it is difficult to play when you are sick. I have no pictures because mother didn't take her camera in so sorry.