February 22, 2008

I've Been Tagged!! (kinda)

4 jobs I've had
1. School
2. Babysitting
3. Tending Dogs
4. Hey now, I'm only 12!

4 Movies I can watch over and over
1. Hoodwinked
2. Cars
3. When A Stranger Calls
4. The Lion King =]

4 Places I have lived
1. St. Johns, AZ

4 Guilty Pleasures
1. Chocolate!
2. Watching Music Videos For Hours
3. Computer (All day if I could)
4. Daydreaming During Class

4 TV shows I watch
1. American Idol
2. Drake and Josh
3. King of Queens
4. iCarly

4 Places I have been on vacation
1. Utah
2. Phoenix
3. Lake Powell
4. Las Vegas

4 Favorite Foods
1. Pork
2. Mexican food
3. Mashed Potatoes and Steak
4. Broccoli

4 websites I visit
1. Youtube
2. Hotmail
3. Jonas Brothers Merch (Store)
4. Blogger

4 Places I'd rather be right now
1. Jonas Brothers Concert
2. Camping
3. Some Dance
4. Italy

4 people I'm tagging
1. Meagan
2. Monette
3. Mallory
4. Bailey

(This was on Mandi's blog and I was sooo bored)

February 19, 2008

I'll See You Again

This is a poem that I wrote not long after the funeral. It may be one of my best. It took me almost a week.

I’ll See You Again

I’ll See You Again
Some day under the sun
I know you’ll miss me dearly
But please don’t make me number one
I know it seems like I don’t care
But trust me dear, my time has come
I know that you will understand
When you grow old enough
And I know that you will never forget
The memories that we made
But the Lord has told us numerous times
We all return to his nice home
And when we meet in His parlor
We will share our thoughts once again
So now, to close I promise you
My loved one, I will see you again.