April 1, 2008

I've Been Tagged Again

My 5 Facts

I ♥ the Jonas Brothers. They are totally awesome. They are like the only people in Hollywood that haven't been dragged into all of that yucky stuff. And I hope they can stay that way forever.

I also ♥ animals as most of you know. I want to be a vet or an animal cop like on TV. My favorite animals are dogs and horses. I ♥ pit bulls and am ashamed in people who say they are bad or who hate them. Hate is a strong word and they are actually sweet animals who have been mistreated, misused, and misjudged in the past.

My bestest friend in the whole world is Allisa Norton. She has always been there for me and we have NEVER been in a fight. We agree about most things such as boys, colors, activities, and so on. She is one of the funniest peeps I have ever met.

I spend most of my time on the computer talking to friends. And let me tell you it is so hard for me not to use "chat talk" in my posts and comments so if you don't understand most of what I say sometimes I'm so sorry.

And lastly I absolutely LOVE babies and little kids. I can't wait to be a mom some day and I ♥ all of my neices and nephews and little cousins. I don't know why but babies are the one thing that could bring me away from a computer all day. I just love playing with them and all of the cute little faces they make.

The 5 Peeps I'm Tagging






March 30, 2008

Lots Goin On Lately

So, we've had a lot going on lately so I decided to post about it. First of all, Mallory had her baby about a week ago as most of you know. I was so excited to see how cute my little nephew is. Its pretty amazing how cute my nieces and nephews all are! Most babies look really weird as newborns but my sisters' don't.

Also we just got back from Vegas. Everything is fine there I guess haha. We bought Guitar Heroes 3 while we were there and that's pretty much all we did. So ya haha.