December 9, 2008


So we got some snow today. xD Not much but it was fun until I had to go to school. It was all melted by lunch time but at least we got some. The funny thing about it was just the night before I had really prayed and wished for snow. Then it snowed. Just for me. ^_^

December 5, 2008

So It's Late But...

Monette and Mark were sealed in the Las Vegas temple a week or so ago. It was a lot of fun to go down there and see everyone. The garden and such at the temple was so pretty. Everything was like super green and just beautiful. Oh and that picture of Dalon is from when Coytt came to stay with us like waay back but I just thought we needed one of him too. xD

November 11, 2008

Some pictures...

I just decided to practice some photography so I can be better by next September. (For the fair)
This just happened to be what I came up with. I missed sunset so those are yet to come. Sorry that some are kinda dark. It was like..night. :)

November 7, 2008

Homecoming and Sunrise

The sky at 6:30 a.m.
Blake before he went to homecoming.

I liked this one haha.

The eighth grade football team.

Redskin pride. That's right. ha
Funny story. When the eighth grade football and softball float passed by they weren't throwing candy but instead they were yelling at the people not on the float to throw candy to THEM. So like right after they pass Coytt goes, "That was dumb." I laughed so hard and nobody else even heard him! It was so great.
But anyways. It's a bit late but these pictures are from the homecoming parade, one of the sunrise that I thought was awesome so therefore I took pictures, and one of Blake for homecoming. He took Ashley Frazier.

November 6, 2008

My nine names...

My Nine Names (this is fun!)
1. YOUR REAL NAME: Marti Rothlisberger

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle.)
3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color and favorite animal)Green Tiger
4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME :( your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it's a number)
1st place south?????? 7th west...(i dont have a middle name)

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)Rotma
6. YOUR SUPERHERO/CRIMINAL NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink).Purple Sobe
7. YOUR IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name,3rd letter of yourLast name, 1st letter of your last name, 2nd letter of your moms maidenname, 3rd letter of your dads name, 1st letter of siblings firstname, and last letter of your moms first name).
8. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (parents middle names).
9. YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets).Black Blue

October 28, 2008

Random Pictures

So I actually have some pictures to post this time. (Mostly just because I have nothing better to do and A LOT of pictures on this computer). I figured it was about time for an update. I hate it when people don't update their blogs and I figured it was a bit hypocritical of me to not update mine. :) Me at the Renaissance festival that we had in 6th grade. Kadee, Allisa, Rikki, Taylor, and Sarah on main street.The fan in my room. (Probably the most random)The parade.

Ryli and Michelle at the Renaissance Festival.

October 12, 2008

New Blog

I decided to add a blog to my "blog list".
Feel free to visit, it will be posts that I don't feel like posting here.

October 10, 2008


Use the first letter of your name to answer the following. they have to be real places, things, names...nothing made up! try to use different answers if the person who tagged you had the same first initial. you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
what is your name? Marti
4 letter word: mall
pro sports team: Mavericks
celebrity or band: Maroon 5
vehicle: Motorcycle
tv shows: My Wife and Kids
city: Montgomory, AL
boy name: Matt
girl name: Morgan
occupation: Mommy
something you wear: maroon shirts
something you throw away: moldy leftovers
food: mashed potatoes
something found in a bathroom: messes
reason for being late: manicure
something you shout: MATT SHUT UP!!!!

October 6, 2008

A Little Game Called Tag

I did this because I am really bored and it was on Ashley's blog and she tagged everyone.

rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 and posts their names. Have fun!
10 years ago I:
1. was like 3
2. was supercute
3. really liked little boys ;]
4. had a dog named oreo that i dont remember very much
5. did NOT like shawn at all
5 things on todays to do list:
1. sleep
2. homework
3. school
4. write notes to myself whenever i get bored
5. eat some dinna
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. fun dip
2. snickers
3. cucumbers
4. gold fish
5. muffins yum
5 things i would do if I were a millionaire:
1. pay my tithing
2. go to italy
3. buy a lot of stuff
4. invest
5. have to get a bigger closet
5 places I have lived:
1. st.johns
3. st.johns
4. st.johns
5. st.johns
I tag: you!

September 18, 2008

Go Skins!!! Whoop whoop

Today was the second home 7th grade softball and football games. Both teams won yippee!! We play Mogollon. I did the chains again [and actually did it the whole time]. Our football team is a lot better now. I'm not trying to be mean but I think Dayton Waite is a mucho better QB than Jake Zieler. Jake broke his foot after the first game because he was riding a dirt bike or something so now we get Dayton instead. We played really well and won 30-0. I didn't get to watch the softball game but of course we won because our grade is just that awesome. I think the final score was around 14-3. I didn't get pictures or videos or anything. Maybe next time. :]

September 5, 2008

This is Retarded

The Round Valley peoples tp'd our football field last night. Including painted hooves on the sidewalks and milk duds [they dumped on our field how immature]. Then when the cheerleaders went to get them back today they got caught by the cops who were asked to "guard" the dome. It doesn't really matter though because we beat them anyways. 35-32. =P

September 3, 2008


Yesterday was Meagan's birthday and since I didn't remember to post or call I'm posting now. So happy birthday Meagan. I love you!

August 29, 2008

Football and Softball

Yesterday we had the first football and softball games [not scrimage] of the season. Woohoo!! I don't play softball but most of my friends do so I went to watch them and pretty much all of my guy-friends in 7th grade play too. In softball they kicked butt, they played so awesome. Either that or Show Low is just really bad but I think they were great. The cougers only made it to base once but they never made it home. The final score was 13-0 St. Johns.

The football team though didn't do as well. They played good they just didn't play as good as Show Low. We lost 34-12, I found out today that both touchdowns were made by Spencer. We were so proud of him. Mr. Raykovitz asked Kadee,Taylor, Lauren, Riley [Raban], Brandon [Price] and me to do the chains and downs. Taylor did the downs the whole time and Riley, Brandon and Kadee switched off with the chains. Brandon and Kadee were doing it most of the time. The only bad thing about doing the chains was that we were doing it on the away side of the field so we were right in front of the Show Low football team. Riley pretty much just made friends with them but they started really annoying me mostly because they were all saying how good they were and how bad we were. I just wanted to turn around and punch them, except for number 1 and that number 34 kid cuz he was pretty cool. Number 1 was really the only hot one of their team [I know you were all wondering ;)]. I think that our team will get better because our grade is really good but I think they were all just sorta nervous for the first game. Or maybe not, I don't know.

August 24, 2008

Super Sunday

Today while we were watching the Olympics after church my mom started to hand out church magazines for us to read. She handed me this month's New Era so I got some colored pencils and my scriptures. I started to read a couple stories then I got to an article by John Bytheway called 5 Scriptures That Will Help You Get Through Almost Anything. I started reading and looking up the scriptures. I got to scripture two and decided that I wanted to give a FHE lesson on this because it was so good. So I told my mom that I would prepare the lesson then I got my Personal Progress book because there was a goal I wanted to pass off during my lesson. I also got the hymn book because I needed to pick out my two favorite hymns, memorize them and the conducting patterns, and conduct them during FHE. So I did the Personal Progress goal and moved on to my lesson. I started re-reading the article and the farther I got into it the more I liked it. I marked all of the scriptures for future reference and now I think I have a pretty darn good lesson prepared. I really liked reading my scriptures and the New Era this Sunday and I think I'm going to start trying to do this every Sunday. I can't wait to teach my family about what I learned and bare my testimony of the scriptures to them. And hopefully let them see that chocolate chip muffins really are good. :)

August 14, 2008

7th Grade!!!

So it's a bit late but at least I'm posting it. xD School started on Monday. This year I'm in the 7Th grade and it's so much better than all the other grades aha. I really like it because your not stuck in the same classroom all day so the day just goes by faster. And I see all of my friends even if they aren't in my classes in the hall when we're switching classes. So on the first day of school I was super excited for school because summer was getting really annoying. Everybody was nervous about being able to unlock their lockers and get to class fast enough but it really isn't that hard except that I have a top locker so the person under me is always sorta in the way but I still manage. I don't really have any stories yet but the year just started so maybe later. Mr. Eisley does tell some pretty good stories but why repeat all of them? He did tell me one about the time he hit Mandi in the head with a tootsie pop and it bounced off her head across the room. That was because he noticed my last name on a paper that he handed out with questions about us and one about what we want to know about Mr. Eisley. I decided to be funny and so I put down "What kind of toothpaste do you use?" He didn't say anything about it until after he read my name.

July 29, 2008

24th Celebrations Yo!

So yes it is pretty late and I don't have pictures. But we did have 24Th fun stuff in SJ. First of all we had the rodeo. And I was there for the WHOLE thing. Then almost at the end I was in the grocery race with Sandra and Stormy. We didn't exactly place but at least we finished this year. Ok so we fell off at the very end and I almost got stepped on but we still finished. Then right after the rodeo ended we went to the ice cream social. We were pretty late so they didn't have very much ice cream but we still got some. Later that night like after the ice cream some dudes invited us [Sandra, Stormy, Charlotte, and ME] to go play 007. So we went to the Frazier's house to meet them but they were already gone so we called Stacy Frazier [Eli's mommy] and asked where to meet up with them. She told us where the finish place was so we went to the High School to wait. The spot lighters kept driving by and when Chief Zieler stopped we had to explain to him that we were only about an hour late so we weren't really playing. Then some other peoples drove by and we told them that we saw some of the "hiders" out in the field and they like stopped and circled around right there so they couldn't get to base. Then somebody else screamed on another rode so they left. Like right after they left Spencer, Garrett, and Spencer's cousins got to where we were. So then we went with them in the back of a truck to try to find the rest of the peoples to tell them the game was over. When we got back like everybody was there. So after that night was the dance. I danced with like 2 guys and Chris made fun of me, it was NOT nice. ;] So that was my 24Th story, the short version.

July 18, 2008

Memory Game

1. leave a comment on my blog, one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Happy [really late] 4th of July!!!

Here are some pictures from the 4Th of July weekend. Mallory and Jake were sealed in the temple and Connor was blessed.

Brooklyn's Visit

I know they're pretty dang late but I haven't had the chance to put pictures on the computer [mostly because mom didn't know where her camera was]. But here they are. Brooklyn just loved the kitty [meowy]. And she also enjoyed cuddling with Brent. I decided to take a picture of her dancing to the coo-coo clock. She would literally freak out when she heard it on and she had to run in there and watch it. I think that was the thing she liked most about staying at Grandma's house. It was the cutest thing. So she'd start crying and ask for mommy and daddy so we'd show her a picture and she'd look at it for a second or two then she'd hit it and scream "no". I guess she was pretty mad about being left behind.

July 13, 2008


So I've now read the Twilight series, well except I'm not done with Eclipse yet. And I really do love it except I had to stop reading today because Jacob is making me so angry. Why can't Bella just listen to Edward? I guess I don't really know but anyways I'm really excited for the next two books [the 4th book and Edwards Editon]. And also the movie.

July 9, 2008


So since I don't have anything to post about lately I've decided to post a scripture every week that I don't have a post. So lets start with today.

Jacob 2:20-

And now, my brethren,
I have spoken unto you concerning pride;
and those of you which God hath given you,
what say ye of it.

I'm not going to explain the scriptures that I post because well I don't really choose the scripture I just open the book and post the first scripture I read. So post a comment and say what you think about this scripture.

June 28, 2008


So I have a talk tomorrow and since pretty much none of you will be able to hear it I'll post it on here. [And I'm just really bored with nothing to post about ;)] It's about a gospel principal that I learned at Girl's Camp.

For me the principal that I learned was the importance of studying the scriptures and how it brings the spirit. The first night that we were there we all split up into groups to read scriptures. We read a couple scriptures then talked about it. After my group was done reading, Lindsey challenged us to go out and read our scriptures during out free time. I was really looking forward to finding some alone time and reading my scriptures.
So later in the day I went out to look for a spot by the creek. I found a pretty nice spot on a rock so I sat down to read. I couldn’t decide where to read so I just opened it up and read where I opened it. I just happened to open up to my favorite book in the Book of Mormon, Alma. So I read the first two chapters in Alma. I’d like to read two of the scriptures that really stood out to me. The first one was Alma 1:26.
I really like this one because it shows how dedicated they were to just leave what they were doing no matter how important it was to hear the word of God. And at the end of the scripture it says that the priest did not esteem himself above the people because he knew that they were all equal. The second scripture that I really liked was the next scripture, Alma 1:27.
This one goes along with the other one really well because it was also talking about how good they were. They not only took care of themselves and there families but they also helped the poor. They didn’t need to get caught up in all the worldly things because they had all they needed in the gospel.
Reading my scriptures there in that quiet spot by the creek really strengthened my testimony of the scriptures. I know that what I read is true and that Joseph Smith really translated that book.

June 26, 2008

hAiR cUt!!!!

Ok soo I got a new haircut today. Sorry Mandi ;]. But I really like it so I hope you do too.

June 21, 2008

Burnin' Up

This is the greatest music video I have ever seen. =D

Camp Rock

So I watched Camp Rock last night at Grandma's house and I think I have a new favorite movie! I really liked the music and such. The one thing I didn't like very much was how Joe Jonas played the part of the mean, full-of-himself popstar. It wasn't the same Joe that I've seen. But I guess thats acting. I put a few of songs from the movie on my playlist. After the movie I watched the new music video for "Burnin' Up". And now I think I have a new favorite song! I also put that song on my playlist. I have some pictures from the video and camp rock too. ☺

June 19, 2008

Girls Camp

We just got back from girls camp and I had so much fun. We went up by Black River this year so we could fish and walk around in the water. The laurels made a kind of pool thing by sort of making a dam. It came up to my waste and there were quite a lot of fish in it. It was so pretty up there even though there were so many bugs. At night we split into groups for about 10 minutes to go read scriptures. The laurels were the "leaders". I went with Lindsey LeFevre and Susan. I don't know Susan's last name haha. But Lindsey challenged us to go find a quiet spot during our free time and read for a little while so I went down by the river and read in Alma. I had a really cool spot because I found this rock in the river and it was a pretty big rock so I walked through the water to it. I sat down on that rock and let my feet lay in the water. I felt really peaceful.I thought it was so funny because I read the lesson we had last Sunday about Nehor and Gideon. I understood the story and lesson a lot more after I actually read it in my scriptures. Later last night we did something called singing trees. That's where you go into groups and choose two hymns to sing. Then every group finds their own tree and stands around it. You turn off your flash lights and the group who is singing turns theirs on and shines them up the tree. Then you sing your hymns. It was really cool and I could really feel the spirit. We had three non-members come this year and I hope they enjoyed it. I do have some pictures below and I know I'm not in any of them but thats because I looked horrible so I didn't post those ones. =]

June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I'd like to wish every dad or grandpa out there a happy father's day! I am so greatful for my dad and grandpas. I'd also like so say happy father's day to my brother-in-laws and cousins who are dad's also. For father's day we awarded my dad with a certificate for being the best dad ever. ;)

"Anyone can be a father.
But it takes someone special to be a dad."