June 28, 2008


So I have a talk tomorrow and since pretty much none of you will be able to hear it I'll post it on here. [And I'm just really bored with nothing to post about ;)] It's about a gospel principal that I learned at Girl's Camp.

For me the principal that I learned was the importance of studying the scriptures and how it brings the spirit. The first night that we were there we all split up into groups to read scriptures. We read a couple scriptures then talked about it. After my group was done reading, Lindsey challenged us to go out and read our scriptures during out free time. I was really looking forward to finding some alone time and reading my scriptures.
So later in the day I went out to look for a spot by the creek. I found a pretty nice spot on a rock so I sat down to read. I couldn’t decide where to read so I just opened it up and read where I opened it. I just happened to open up to my favorite book in the Book of Mormon, Alma. So I read the first two chapters in Alma. I’d like to read two of the scriptures that really stood out to me. The first one was Alma 1:26.
I really like this one because it shows how dedicated they were to just leave what they were doing no matter how important it was to hear the word of God. And at the end of the scripture it says that the priest did not esteem himself above the people because he knew that they were all equal. The second scripture that I really liked was the next scripture, Alma 1:27.
This one goes along with the other one really well because it was also talking about how good they were. They not only took care of themselves and there families but they also helped the poor. They didn’t need to get caught up in all the worldly things because they had all they needed in the gospel.
Reading my scriptures there in that quiet spot by the creek really strengthened my testimony of the scriptures. I know that what I read is true and that Joseph Smith really translated that book.