January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Sandra!!

So today is Sandra's birthday and I take that as an excuse to update my blog. Its been quite a long time but I don't really have much to update about. Well anything that really makes me want to update. For Christmas I got a digital camera and a bunch of other stuff. It snowed the day after Christmas and that snow just melted almost completely but it is snowing again right now. ^_^ (yay)

Meagan had her baby on December 31st. She had him around 1:30 in the afternoon. They named him Pacer Lincoln (not sure how they're spelling that) Rogers. When we were there he was pretty much awake and looking around. But when we tried to take a picture the little stinker would close his eyes. I'm not going to say that he's an aware baby though because sometimes people say that then when someone else goes to see the baby its the complete oppisite.

So thats my update for now. I forgot my camera at Meagan's house though so until the mother gets home there aren't any pictures.

1 comment:

Meagan Rogers said...

Bummer on forgetting your camera. You get mom back tomorrow though. I'm sad. I don't want her to leave.