August 28, 2011

Be Thou An Example

Last night, Brent and I went to a little party thing at my friend's church. We mostly just played games and ate pizza, but they did have what they call a worship service where they had their little band play a couple songs about worshiping Christ and they had us stand up and kinda dance around a little bit. Then they had a guy named Pastor Tim Black get up and speak for a little while. It wasn't like a horrible experience where I felt out of place or anything, but it was interesting to see first-hand the things that they're missing out on. For one thing, when they were praying, it wasn't in the name of Christ. It took me a minute to figure out what it was about their prayers that didn't feel the same to me, besides not folding their arms. And they spoke to God more like a peer than a Father.
But even though I know that they're missing things, I kind of found a little sense of comfort being there. We're always taught about the missing pieces of the puzzle that we have and that other churches don't, and about how they'll have their chance to get back to Heaven. Knowing that, I guess I kind of had a slight personal revelation for myself last night. It really just clicked for me that there are a lot of really good people up there, waiting for us to go to the temple and break them out of prison. We were sort of talking about that in seminary the other day. About who goes to which kingdoms, and Brother Greer asked who goes to Paradise, and we said "good Mormons". He asked who goes to Spiritual Prison, and we said "good people who aren't Mormons". And when he asked what people happens to people in Prison, somebody said "they learn how to be Mormon". Now, that's not really a good way to put it to people outside of our church, but it's reassuring to me. Those people, mostly Pastor Tim, helped confirm my testimony that even when we do everything we can to teach people the fullness here on Earth, they'll get their second chance in Spiritual Prison. And it was good to see someone who I know won't take long to get out of Prison and to join the 'army' of God.

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